2011年8月24日 オーストリア ブライテンブルン村へ「まけないぞう」のグループが到着しました。ブライテンブルンはオーストリアの主都ウイーンから車で40分。ハンガリーとの国境近くの大きな湖のそばにある静かな村です。・・・
The first “Makenai-Zô” (Never Give Up Elephant) Expeditionary Force (the M.E.F. !!!) has reached Austria from the earthquake area of East Japan. The MEF landed – with very little opposition, no casualties and only light damage to one of them (crushed in the suitcase!!) – in the lovely small town in the Burgenland of Breitenbrunn (this is about 40 minutes by car from Vienna, close to a big lake and in the middle of the wine-growing area – so the elephants will have plenty to drink!) The MEF has advanced into friendly territory and established themselves in families in the region, as you will see from the photos when you click on the blue title to access the web-page … Where next for the MEF? Will you not give one a home???
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