
2014年8月11日 月曜日

【まけないぞうの応援団 makenaizone(負けないゾーン)より 8月11日に寄せて】
東日本大震災、そして その他 多くの自然災害で尊い命を失われた数多くの方々が生きたかった今日という日をこうして生かされている自分達に何が出来るかを自分自身に問いかけ続け、少しずつでも行動に移しながら過ごしたいと改めて思います。
幾度季節が廻っても いつまでも どこにいても 命ある限り ずっと ずっと。

It has been 3 years and 5 months since 3.11 Big Earthquake & Tsunami occurred in Northeastern part of Japan.
Our thoughts and prayer go out to the people who have lost their very precious lives and to those who have lost their family & loved ones due to not only 3.11 but also to all the other natural disasters all over Japan & the world.
Since “Today” that we live is “Tomorrow” that the victims of the disaster wanted to live so much, we’d like to do what we can do for the recovery progress of the affected areas of not only 3.11 but also all the other natural disasters.
Praying with the candle lights & Never give up elephants that the affected people made in Tohoku area.


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