
2015年9月11日 金曜日

【被災地支援のまけないぞうの応援団 makenaizone(負けないゾーン)より】
11Sept2015そして、この度の豪雨水害で今現在もなお 非常に困難な状況下で救助を待っていらっしゃる多くの皆さんと 不眠不休で救助活動を続けていらっしゃる自衛隊、警察、消防、その他多くの皆さんのご無事を心よりお祈りします。
当たり前の日常がどんなに有り難いことであるのかを改めて考え、地震国、災害国であるこの国で生きる私たち一人一人がさまざまな災害で被災された方々の痛みを自分の痛みとして分かち合い 寄り添いながら自分に出来ることを続けていかなくてはならないと強く思います。

【Message from makenaizone】
It has been 4 and a half years since 3.11, and 14 years have flown since 9.11. And as a matter of fact, so many people have still been terribly affected by the awful flood in East Japan for the past days.
My prayers with Never Give-up Elephants go out to all the affected people by all disasters. We should always remember that the ordinary life we live without any guestion is such a precious blessing, and we should keep helping with each other for the recovery progress of affected areas.
Have been praying deeply for those who are still in need of rescue, and prayers for those who have been working so hard to save people in devastated flood areas for the past days. With crossed fingers on Sept. 11, 2015.

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