ひまわりの美しい季節を二度と迎えることなく 東日本大震災で多くの方々のかけがえのない命が失われたこと、その他多くの自然災害で人生が思いがけず大きく変わってしまった方々が本当に多くいらっしゃることを決して忘れることなく、私たち自身が今という時を元気に生かされている意味を改めて考えながら、少しずつでも末永く被災地支援のまけないぞうさんを通じた応援を続けてゆきます。
It has been 6 years and 5 months since that day…
Our prayers go out to those who have lost the precious lives due to 3.11 tsunami & earthquake and all the other natural disasters in the world.
Our thoughts are always with those who are still suffering from the loss of their families & loved ones in the affected areas.
We will always remember what had happened on that day.
Praying with Makenaizo Elephants and the candle light on Aug.11, 2017.