仙台のまけないぞうサポーター青柳明子さんからのお便りです Akiko Aoyagi-san in Sendai, Miyagi Pref, has received 20 Makenaizo.

2012年3月11日 日曜日



【Report from Makenaizou Supporter, Akiko Aoyagi-san in Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture】
I have come to know about “Never give up elephant” through my f…riend and I ordered 20 elephants this time.
Every elephant that arrived at my house has very cute, gentle little eyes as if they reflect the warm hearts of the affected people who have actually made the elephants one by one.
I am goinig to give these elephants as special gifts to my close friends today, 3.11, 2012.

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