まけないぞうで被災地の方々に寄り添う活動 3.11前夜のおだいやを釜石で迎えました  Memorial candle night in Kamaishi, Iwate

2014年3月10日 月曜日
【現在 岩手県で被災地の作り手さんへの寄り添いの活動をしている被災地NGO恊働センターの増島智子さんよりのお便りです】
一昨日、みんなで山から切り出した竹にお寺さんから寄付して頂いたろうそくを灯 して、有志の方が祈りを捧げました。
それぞれの 皆さんが 3.11を今日また迎えます。

【Message from Tomoko Masujima-san, the Staff member of The NGO Collaboration Center of HANSHIN QUAKE Rehabilitation, now in Northeastern Part of Japan 】
Last night was the day before 3.11 , and the affected people living in public restoration housing in Kamaishi City, Iwate Prefecture got together and held the memorial candle night to pray for the victims of 3.11 Tsunami. Makenaizo Elephant, Elmer-chan was also with us!
The people included the person who lost her son by Tsunami, many of the families got apart by Tsunami, and some people who have survived from Tsunami by escaping from mountains to mountains with their bare foot in the very cold weather 3 years ago…
It’s been 3 years since That Day, and each person is now experiencing his/her own 3.11 again.

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